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Floating spheres
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Indian Marble bathroom sinks
stone washplane
black granite knobs
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Indian Granite fountains
Rolling Sphere Fountains
catalogue broacher fountain
Fontana della sfera di Rolling
fontaine de globe
området fontäner
σφαίρα κρήνες
Kugel ball fountain video
Fontanna ogrodowa kula granitowa
bol fonteinen
piedra bola de la fuente
глобус фонтан
kule fontener
sfera fontann
lodes strūklakām
pallo suihkulähteitä
Know about floating fountains
Indian marble fountain
Rolling sphere fountains
kugel balls
garden ball fountains
stone ball fountain
black granite panels
Granite Basins
Stone balls
stone globes,floating globes
Schwimmende kuglen
marmor kuglen
Stone Floating Globes
Limestone sink and washbasin
Granite sink
Green marble sink or washbasin
Garden Stone Sphere
Large Granite sphere and balls
fountain stone ball
Marble floating sphere
stone post
kulen fontenen
Granite curling stone
Garden stone ball
Garden stone fountain
Stone rock fountain
vatten fontän
Granitt vask
Stone Eggs
top granit, mermer küre, yüzer
pedra bola fonte
kamena kugla, lopta granita
stenen lantaarnpaal
graniet kolom
Granit Kugelbrunnen für den Au
Granit Kugelbrunnen für den Ga
Granit Kugelbrunnen für den Wo
Giant Stone ball
Large granite sphere
purchasing stone ball fountain
Sphères de Granit
boule de granit
stone ball fountain
Garden fountain ball
Фонтаны Плавающий шар
Schwimmende Kugel
Schwimmende Granitkugeln
water fountain solar system
Pflanztröge und Blumenkübel
Steinkugel für den Garten
kugelbrunnen aus granit
Natural stone spheres
гранитный шар
Black Marble Balls
نافورة الجرانيت الكرة
Granite balls
мраморный шар фонтан
granite spheres,marble ball
Плавающий шар
Плавающие шары
Granite spheres
Vattensten Roterande kula
palla di marmo
Шар фонтан
Kula granitowa
beige marble sphere
boule de granit
Solid stone tub
 sfera di pietra, sfera di granito
sphere fountain project digramme
Granite Floating Ring Water Feature

Floating spheres 


Floating Granite Ball,Granite globes,marble ball

  • Floating Granite Ball,Granite globes,marble ball
  • Floating Granite Ball,Granite globes,marble ball
  • Floating Granite Ball,Granite globes,marble ball
  • Floating Granite Ball,Granite globes,marble ball
  • Floating Granite Ball,Granite globes,marble ball
Model No.︰floating ball
Brand Name︰floating granite ball
Country of Origin︰India
Unit Price︰US $ 1 / pc
Minimum Order︰1 pc
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Product Description

FLOATING GRANITE BALL:-      BRAHMA GRANITECH ,INDIA MANUFACTURER  of moving ball fountain,moving sphere fountain ,Rolling Sphere Fountain, Globe Fountain, Stone Water Features For  Indoor and  Outdoor  Use

Brahma Granitech creates rolling sphere fountains,
globe fountains,ball water parks and stone water features for indoor and outdoor fountain areas.
Brahma Granitech creat other stone and marble fountains, marble statues fountains ,Sandstone ball water fall  fountain or indian  marble water features and Floating Ring fountains.

  email ballfountain@gmail.com today because we are rolling sphere fountain FACTORY OWNERS.  Online videos are also     available for your review

16",18",20",24" ,30",36",40",48",60",72",84",96" inch ball fountain for residential customer and Building Landscape projects

stone ball sizes availlable in 150mm=6.0" 
200mm/20cm=8.0"  300mm/30cm=12.0" 
400mm/40cm=16.0"  500mm/50cm=20" 
1000mm/100cm=40" 1200mm/120cm=48"

marble ball availble in 1 feet,2feet,3feet,4feet,5feet,6feet,7 feet,8 feet diameter. 

The Floating and Revolving  Sphere Globe , Granite Spherical Sculpture Floating Marble Spheres with sizes from 12’’,16’’,18’’,20’’,24’’,32’’,36’’,40’’, 48" to 80" diameter or  granite or marble rotating spheres beginning 10cm,20cm,25cm,30cm,40cm,50cm,60cm,80cm,100cm,1meter,120cm,150cm,180cm,200cm,250cm,300cm diameter .Marble spinning ball fountains for Customers, Landscape and Building Architects, Designers, Decorators, Developers, and Feng Shui. Outdoor Fountains, Indoor Fountains, Landscape Design.



Specifications︰Floating Granite Balls :-World stone Globes Direct Manufactures,suppliers,factory & installar . Stone sphere fountain availbale in 16",18",20",24" ,30",36",40",48",60",72",84",96" inch

stone ball sizes available in 150mm=6.0"
200mm/20cm=8.0" 300mm/30cm=12.0"
400mm/40cm=16.0" 500mm/50cm=20"
1000mm/100cm=40" 1200mm/120cm=48"

marble ball availble in 1 feet,2feet,3feet,4feet,5feet,6feet,7 feet,8 feet diameter.

Export Markets︰wordwide
Payment Details︰tt
Min Order︰1
Product Image

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