FLOATING GRANITE BALL:- BRAHMA GRANITECH ,INDIA MANUFACTURER of moving ball fountain,moving sphere fountain ,Rolling Sphere Fountain, Globe Fountain, Stone Water Features For Indoor and Outdoor Use
Brahma Granitech creates rolling sphere fountains,
globe fountains,ball water parks and stone water features for indoor and outdoor fountain areas.
Brahma Granitech creat other stone and marble fountains, marble statues fountains ,Sandstone ball water fall fountain or indian marble water features and Floating Ring fountains.
email ballfountain@gmail.com today because we are rolling sphere fountain FACTORY OWNERS. Online videos are also available for your review
16",18",20",24" ,30",36",40",48",60",72",84",96" inch ball fountain for residential customer and Building Landscape projects
stone ball sizes availlable in 150mm=6.0"
200mm/20cm=8.0" 300mm/30cm=12.0"
400mm/40cm=16.0" 500mm/50cm=20"
1000mm/100cm=40" 1200mm/120cm=48"
marble ball availble in 1 feet,2feet,3feet,4feet,5feet,6feet,7 feet,8 feet diameter.
The Floating and Revolving Sphere Globe , Granite Spherical Sculpture Floating Marble Spheres with sizes from 12’’,16’’,18’’,20’’,24’’,32’’,36’’,40’’, 48" to 80" diameter or granite or marble rotating spheres beginning 10cm,20cm,25cm,30cm,40cm,50cm,60cm,80cm,100cm,1meter,120cm,150cm,180cm,200cm,250cm,300cm diameter .Marble spinning ball fountains for Customers, Landscape and Building Architects, Designers, Decorators, Developers, and Feng Shui. Outdoor Fountains, Indoor Fountains, Landscape Design.